Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Stitch Swatch Sampler Swatch 14: Crunch Stitch


This stitch has a pleasing overall “mountain-peak”  texture, and a reversible nature.  It uses a combination of half double crochet and slip stitch, alternating across each row.
Crunch Stitch
Ch 16 (multiple of 2, plus 2 turning chains)
Row 1 (Border Row):  Sc in 3rd ch and in each st across row.  Turn work.  14 sts.
Row 2:  Ch 2 (counts as hdc), sl st in second st, *hdc in next st, sl st in next st. Rep from * across                       row.  Turn work.

Rep Row 2 until piece measures 3 3/4 inches.
Last Row (Border Row):  Ch 1, sc in each st across.

Abbreviations:  Ch  Chain  sc  single crochet  st(s)  stitch(es)  hdc half double crochet  sl st  slip stitch               Rep  repeat

Crunch Stitch Pro Tips:
  • ·         Note that, starting with Row 2, each row has a peaked look (See photo, below).  Between the peaks, there are valleys that look like a little “V”.  The tops of the stitches form the sides of the “V”.  When you work this stitch, except for the border rows, you will always be working s sl st into the right side of the “V”, where the stitch slants down to the left (red arrow in second photo), and a hdc into the left side, where the stitch slants up to the left (blue arrow).  See photo, below.
  • ·         You will be working into the tops of the stitches of the last row, which form a chain going from left to right, slightly to the back of the fabric
  • ·         As for some of the other stitches we have explored, turn the work to the back, not like you would the page of a book.
  • ·         You can work this swatch without the border rows if you prefer…but the top and bottom edges may be wavy.  If you like this effect, go for it!

Crunch Stitch in progress
Where to work the sl st (red arrow) and the hdc (blue arrow)

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